Facial are an essential part of keeping your face clean and glowing, but they are costly (what isn’t these days?) and some can hurt like face peels. So I have discovered the perfect DIY (do it yourself) facial.
First, take a shower, feeling clean and beautiful makes the whole experience nicer. Also the steam in the shower helps open up your pores so they can release dirt and grime that can cause pimples.
After getting out of the shower run a wash cloth under hot water and rub the wash cloth on your face, this also helps to open up pores.
After applying the washcloth use a facial scrub. You can easily make one by putting honey (if you can, use Manuka honey, it has special healing properties) and sugar into a bowl and mixing, easy as pie, right? Then put the scrub on your face and move your hands in slow circular movements, this opens the pores and takes out all the dirt and washes it away.
Wash the scrub off with warm water. After the scrub completely washes off, take a handful of honey (once again, preferably Manuca honey) and put it evenly on to your face. This soothes skin that might have been irritated by the scrub and also moisturizes. Leave the honey on for at least 30 minutes. My favorite pastime during this is to paint my nails, that way when your completely finished with your facial, you’ll have beautiful nails too.
Only paint your toenails, because if you paint your nails you might rub off the polish when removing the honey. I find that after this whole experience my skin is left soft and surprisingly smooth, and that I am also calm and relaxed. This treatment is perfect for a night in with friends or a mother/daughter bonding experience.